KOHENE TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE (KTI) is an institution established in 2001 to offer Technical, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training to our teeming youth, artisans and small & medium Enterprises (SMEs) within it catchment area, Ghana and beyond. The School is located at Nsawam Adoagyiri in the Eastern Region of Ghana. KTI has a conducive learning environment and well dedicated instructors.
The passion and desire for to establish the school was to give the idle youth in the area an alternative and practical means of education through Technical Vocational Education and Training which shall equip them with the necessary and critical skills of providing solution to the numerous challenges facing us as a people and most especially the youth who are unable to secure employment after years of education in the regular educational system.
The problem of some of the most brilliant and intelligent mates turn to drug abuse, hooliganism, robbery and other social vises because they had no alternative ways of engaging and utilizing their natural given talents in a positive manner for the improvement of society.
KTI came to bridge this gap and to provide hands-on competence based training for both industry and academia in transforming the theoretical based education into product and service delivery for the improvement of the quality of life and aspires to be the Centre of excellence for human capital development in Ghana.
KTI believes that all humans are created with capabilities to contribute their quota towards the improvement of lives but the in-ability to identity these capabilities and potentials makes an individual thinks that he/she is a failure/useless.
Come and enroll at KTI, and we shall assist you to discover your inherent talents and creative powers for wealth creation and service to humanity. This is your path to success.

MISSION Empowering Humanity through Practical Education
VISION To be the center of Excellence for human capital development in Ghana.
MOTTO Excellence Through Technology
To produce innovative professionals who are intune with the changing needs of industry
To provide technical and vocational training as a solution to industrial and technological gaps
To provide continuous carrier development for practicing artisans, craftsmen and technicians.
To provide the platform for retraining of professionals for sustainable wealth creation.
To provide technical and vocational training as a tool of empowerment for persons with disability .